Productivity How I Organize My Life | Notion AI Tour 2023 (+ Free Template) I'm constantly juggling my busy schedule around building businesses, fitness, social activities and learning. I tour my brand new Notion template (which I've shared for FREE) to show you how I stay organized, focused, and productive across my life.
Productivity The 7 Best NEW AI Productivity Tools 2023 I've been doing a massive deep dive testing out hundreds of new AI tools and so in this video, we're going to go over seven AI tools that I've been using to boost my productivity.
Learning 21 Scientific Ways to Learn Faster - How to Study Smart Here are 21 scientific ways to learn faster so that you can study smarter, not harder.
Human Performance How to Speed Read Wouldn't it be great if you could read faster while still remembering everything you read? Just open a book zoom through it and you've remembered everything.
Productivity How to Overcome Procrastination - 10 Tips You probably know what you should be doing right now but instead, you're putting it off by watching this video. Procrastinating is something that we all do but how can we beat it?
Learning What Are Dorm Room Essentials? - University Packing List I take you through some of the essential things not to forget for university and college and be sure to stick around to the end of the video for a free Notion packing template which you can use to tick everything off.
Learning How To Easily Learn Difficult Things Learning how to learn and learning how to motivate ourselves to master the hard topics is what creates a gap between the highest performers who come first and everybody else. The problem is no one ever really teaches us how to study.
Learning 15 Ways To Use Active Recall In 15 Minutes Here are 15 of the easiest ways you can start using active recall right now that will improve your grades and help you learn more effectively so you don't have to spend all your time studying.
Entrepreneur This Book Changed How I Think About Quitting If you want to be successful at anything you need to know when to push through the difficult times and when to quit things that just aren't working. That's the core message of Seth Godin's book The Dip which teaches you when to give up on an idea and when to persevere with it.
Human Performance How To Stop Overthinking Everything All The Time Do you want to improve your focus and productivity and get the best results at whatever you're working on? Well you might be surprised that the secret isn't working harder, it's actually all about thinking less.
Human Performance How I Learned a TED Talk in Under 10 Days Today, I'm going to be showing you how I memorized and gave a TEDx talk that got over 50k views in the first 7 days.
Productivity The 10 Best FREE Habit Trackers in 2023 I downloaded as many free habit trackers as I could find, filled my phone with them and then used each of them to track my habits over a week long period to find out which were the easiest and most effective to use.
Productivity Become a Better Reader in 12 Minutes I'm going to show you how to become a better reader
Learning 15 Terrible Study Habits to Quit - Avoid These Studying Mistakes I share some of the worst studying mistakes I've made or seen other people make by highlighting 15 terrible study habits to quit so you can avoid these studying mistakes and get the best grades possible.
Learning 7 Study Techniques of TOP Performing Students We all know that one person who seems to come 1st in exams every single time and who seems super smart and gets top grades and we often put this down to their intelligence or some kind of genetic ability.
Learning The Perfect Mind Map - 4 Step Framework I want to talk about mind maps or spider diagrams as they are an effective tool for learning efficiently but the problem is lots of people don't actually know how to use them correctly and end up wasting lots of time so if you think you've mastered mind maps you might be kinda wrong.
Learning How I Stay Lazer Focused When Learning - Evidence Based Tips I'm going to dive deep into how to stay lazer focused on learning when life events get in the way. I'm going to hit on 5 evidence-based tips to help you beat any distractions and get that work done.
Learning How I Get TOP GRADES With ENCODING & ACTIVE RECALL - A Practical Guide I'm going to show you a really practical example of how I reduce my cognitive load and use encoding to learn. I'm going to screen-share my mac pro screen and iPad so you can see the actual technique that I use which got me top grades.
Learning How I Learn NEW Content Effectively | Encoding & Active Recall Today I'm going to show you some practical strategies and examples of how I reduce my cognitive load and use encoding combined with active recall to learn new content.
Learning Cognitive Load Theory Just KILLED Active Recall If you think memorizing facts with active recall and spacing works best for learning then you're probably wrong and I'm going to explain why.
Learning How I Learn More Efficiently Than Everyone At Medical School How do I process new information, encode it into my memory and then ensure that I understand it and can apply it in as little time as possible while staying focused?
Learning How I Learn Productively In The Metaverse I'm going to jump into how I use my Quest 2 and how I integrate it into my daily routine and workflow to stay productive and get work done efficiently.
Learning The Top 6 Ways To Learn in The Metaverse Whether you're learning a language, improving your communication skills or practising a new skill virtual reality and the metaverse have the potential to completely revolutionise how people learn, train and perform.
Learning Will The Metaverse Kill Traditional Learning? The metaverse has been a hype topic for a while and dominating google search trends to the point that Mark Zuckerberg changed Facebook's name to Meta and stated that he's planning on investing 180 billion dollars over the next 10 years into his vision.
Learning How to Catch Up On Work When You've Fallen Behind Have you fallen behind in what you're studying or at your work? We all go through times when for whatever reason you get a little bit behind in what you need to achieve. So don't worry this will give you some of my top tips to help you get back on track and catch up on work.
Entrepreneur How To Make Millions From Online Courses Like Fake Gurus Want to learn the system that fake online gurus use to market their courses to make millions?
Learning How To Create An Online Course Using Learning Psychology I've created some really high-performing online courses which ended up generating almost 10 times my salary when I was working as a surgeon and I'm going to share some of my personal tips and approaches that made my course perform really well and offer value to learners.