About Me

Hey I'm Alex,
I'm the founder and CEO of Virti and I also invest in early stage companies with a focus on education technology and health technology sectors.
What I'm Working On Right Now
- My main focus is building Virti to revolutionise how people learn, train and perform in B2B organisations to improve human performance.
- I host The Human Performance Podcast which covers topics relating to performance, productivity, learning and more with some awesome guests.
- On my YouTube Channel and socials I make videos about productivity, learning/studying, growing a company and tips and life hacks for entrepreneurs.
- 💌 I write a weekly email newsletter on a Sunday sharing some of the resources and insights I learned from during the week with links to books, podcasts, quotes, articles and more.
- On this website I write articles and journal what I learn about scaling a company, productivity, health, wealth and happiness.
- My writing is featured in Entrepreneur, Forbes and a few other publications
My Background
- I studied Medicine for 6 years at the University of Bristol graduating in 2009
- I then trained as a trauma and orthopedic surgeon practising in the UK and also in New York for a fellowship period
- I did a Masters degree in surgery during my surgical training and was also awarded a degree in education which I did part time while working as a doctor
- I taught myself to code aged 14 and I'm a huge video game nerd
- I grew an in-person events, conference and education company during medical school as a side hustle
- I spun out an online education company for health professionals preparing for exams and scaled this to 7 figures in revenue around my day job as a doctor, generating passive income as I worked
- I took the big decision to leave my job in surgery and founded Virti in 2018
- I read around 100 books per year on average
- I'm extremely sporty and do crossfit, weights, HiiT and have run the New York and Tokyo Marathons
Get In Touch
- You can most easily contact me by replying to the weekly newsletter with a specific question
- Or you can message me on twitter or instagram
- If you are ever in Bristol or I'm in your city (stalk my socials) and want to catch up I have a standing offer to buy you a coffee if we can make logistics work.